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20 de gener, 2009

I això ja s'acaba... This is almost finnished...

Dear all,

Since I wrote about the snowing days in Brussels I don't have enough time to give you news from Brussels... and now... now it's almost the moment to take the plane... how it will be to go back?.... I am sure that at the end I will feel like always, at home.

Anyway before leaving I want to thank all the people that I've known in Brussels for the funny time. I hope that our lives will cross their ways ... maybe in the airport, maybe in the cinema, maybe in a bar, maybe in Lleida, maybe in Barcelona... who knows?

Take care, and ... thank you, merci, grazie, obrigada, gracias, danke, bedankt!

Amics tots! Ja arribo!!!! ; )

08 de gener, 2009

Brussel·les informant...

Hola a tothom i BON ANY també!

La tornada a Brussel·les destaca sobre tot per la neu. Els carrers blanquets, els parcs solitaris i la gent tapada a més no poder... ara veig una altra cara de Brussel·les.

Espero que les vostres reentrades no suposin una gran costa amunt!

Fins ben aviat!

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